It Is An Organic Thing

True to be wild is no minor definitive
formal exemption from being the normative.
I mean, one have to admit what is accidence.
Crazy regarded is madness not precedence.

Take it from there, I'll say, to myself wondering
if I am crazy by on being pondering.
Never so lost that one cannot be centering,
I think, the wild being seeing and entering.


  1. Profoundly done! I am so glad you shared this, my friend.

  2. Deep truth about wildness is contained in your poem. Well done!

  3. I like the ending phrase: "the wild being seeing and entering"

  4. Yes I think the wild will see more... indeed

  5. PROOF

    I wrote a poem crazy regarded.
    Seen as developed, seen as retarded.
    Of being, I wrote, of to be as expected.
    The terror I lived through could not be neglected.

    What is funny about it, I really got mad.
    From that time of my intellect was pretty sad.
    Seeing it coming, I might say, today,
    I felt for the option to be in that way.


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