It Is A Matter of Circumstance

When I walk, so in sunshine I truly prefer. You see, rain always makes me be thinking of her, who is found in the atmosphere high above earth, though not quite giving light as a matter of worth.

And if walking to suit her, I truly was mad. Never she arrowed target by power she had. If in sunshine I move, I can play with the sun, and believe that to hit me is very much fun.

moving target
the two of them


  1. I like the playing in the sun when moving in sunshine.

  2. I know that walking can be like having a date with the sun...

  3. I love all weathers Anders - well maybe not ice and hard packed snow - but you're right, the sun is best.
    I see on your 'About' you are writing a collection of poems and wonder why it might be your last?
    Kind regards
    Anna :o]


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